Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Malema willing to shed blood for land


Malema was in Harare on Saturday to attend a wedding ceremony and address Zanu-PF youth, the Zimbabwean Herald Online reported.

He said the youths in South Africa were calling for whites to surrender land and minerals resources they hold because "when they came from Europe they did not carry any land into South Africa.

"What we are asking is for them to surrender our minerals because they did not come with any mineral. We want that land and those minerals for free because they never paid for those minerals."

Malema said whites committed murder to get land.

"Actually they killed people to get that land and those minerals. We are not going to give them money when we take the land back because it will be like we are thanking them with money for killing our people.

"We will never do that, little did they know that we are not scared of blood. We are scared of defeat. We don't want to be defeated but seeing blood is not what we are scared of as long as that blood delivers what belongs to us we are prepared to go to that extent."

Malema told the youth he was in Zimbabwe to gain inspiration and wisdom, so that when he returned home he could "double the spirit of fighting against imperialist forces".

Malema faces a money-laundering charge relating to a R52 million tender awarded to On-Point engineers, which he allegedly benefited from.


  1. The “Out of Africa” Theory has been officially Debunked


    Dear South African family and friends, please help me to educate the world about South Africa!
    There were NO blacks (Bantu) in South Africa before the whites settled here from Europe, there were only Koi San who are like Bushmen. They were relatively peaceful people. The blacks all came down from the north west and we whites were kind enough to let them into our borders and give them land and now they want to chase us out of our own country - Now they say it was there country and we took it from them - All Communist propaganda perpetuated by Communist loving liberals:



    Farmers did not steal land, don't owe anyone anything: TAU

    The crux of the black Communist argument for land "redistribution" (land invasions and murder and rape of whites):





    Malema warned on land grabs



    How much of South Africa’s land is in black hands?




    SA (black) farm labourers ‘lazy’


    Boere (whites) Return to the Laager: Monday, 28 April 2008
    Rattled by violent attacks and the crisis in Zimbabwe, white farmers in South Africa take up arms.

    An old 2008 document reveals that there were "more than 1,600 farmers murdered" in South Africa since 1994, and these farmer family murders by blacks have escalated yearly since 2008, which means 1600 farmers were murdered in 14 years, and that was nearly 6 years ago!
    These murders have also spilled over into all of SA citizens - Blacks are killing blacks and whites and Indians and Coloreds, etc. and it is not stopping.............yet. All the while guilt-ridden leftist whites (the ones who voted for the ANC terrorist’s dispensation), are perpetuating the anti-white propaganda because they have been indoctrinated themselves long ago.... along with the black masses:

    Black South African Farmers Form Partnerships with White South African Farmers (who were are NOT ‘settlers’) -
    (Please note the white farmers are not "settlers" but born and bred in SA, therefore completely African, this article is written by opposition so therefore biased but still informative):


  2. "When the Sub Saharan Bantu arrived here the San were living all over South Africa. A genocide kicked ogg against the hapless San which saw them displaced into the Western dry half of the country. It was black on San GENOCIDE."

    And today we are busy seeing black on white genocide, but because it is so slow and taboo to talk about it, it gets denied by all the white liberals and blacks who are too ashamed to admit it. Also black on Indian murders are rife today. Unfortunately these murders are cruel and violent, which normally included gang rape and torture!


    'White', 'Jewish' land ownership comments can't be verified

    Many black South Africans and diasporas begrudge white South Africans the right to live in the country in which they were born, built and love - They say "You never got here first" which is not true, and they say "You stole our land" which is another lie - Allow me to tell it like it REALLY is:

    The Great South African Land Scandal
    Incisive book on how the ruling Marxist, racist ANC regime is engineering famine in South Africa. Dr Du Toit describes how the ANC commits systematic genocide against White farmers to steal their land. Absolute power flows not only from the barrel of a gun, but also from the hand which holds the food. Stalin starved 11 Million Ukrainians in 1933, Pol Pot 2 Million in 1975. Mugabe in 2000- is SA next? Read & decide for yourself. For a free PDF copy of the book, email boerboel@mighty.co.za

    How Much Land Is REALLY Owned By The black Communist SA Government today?

    Blacks vs Farm- Black people destroy farm in South Africa in 4 years

    On Land Ownership in South Africa - myths debunked

    White settlers never stole any land from Africans:


    Land reform: why SA farmers are being murdered

    Blacks had no claim to 40% of SA

    Mike Smith Political Commentary: Where the Truth Hurts


    The green paper is not limited to agricultural land or farmers only -- it affects all South Africans' rights.

    90% Black Farms Failing In South Africa

    Black farmers in South Africa cash in by selling land given to them by the government... back to whites who originally owned the farms:

    The Land Issue

    Asset Obsession and things that are NOT Wealth

    Different Definitions of Wealth – Another Point of Difference http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Intangible2/AssetsPeopleNOTWealth/WealthViewDifference.aspx

    Major Gaps in African Deductive Reasoning – Cause and Effect, etc

  3. South Africa is not our adopted country, we are indigenous.

    (Firstly, most South African minorities are not settlers or colonists – Most of us were born in South Africa, and therefore we are African, just as many, and not all, other black Africans were born here.

    The first white person to set foot on Southern African soil in 1487 was the Portuguese explorer Batholemeu Dias who reached Angola, and in 1488 Dias named the ‘Cape of Good Hope’. In 1497 Vasco da Gama put foot on South African soil at present-day St. Helena Bay and encountered the first Khoi-Khoi, who were the only indigenous people in South Africa at that time.

    In 1503 Antonio de Saldanha, leading a Portuguese squadron, enters Table Bay. They are the first Europeans to climb Table Mountain, which they name Taboa do Cabo

    In 1510 the first race murder occurred in 1510. A Portuguese Viceroy was killed by the Khoi-Khoi, probably due to a misunderstanding arising from barter between the Khoi-Khoi and the Portuguese at the mouth of the Salt River in Table Bay. Thereafter, Portuguese traders tend to bypass the Cape itself, relying on Robben Island for fresh meat and water.

    On 1580 - 18 June, An English admiral, Francis Drake, rounds the Cape on his voyage round the world in his quest to reach India for the English Crown.

    On 1595 - 4 August, four ships under Cornelis de Houtman reach São Bras. This is the first contact of the Dutch with the coast of Southern Africa.

    White navigators/ explorers arrived in Southern Africa in this order:
    1487 Portuguese
    1580 English
    1595 Dutch

    In 1615 Sir Thomas Roe attempts to land some deported British criminals at the Cape, but those who are not drowned or killed by Khoikhoi are soon removed from the Cape and the scheme is abandoned.

    In 1652, the Dutch East India Company establishes a refreshment station at Table Bay.

    In 1300 - c. 1500, the Khoisan are established as the dominant power in the southern and south-western Cape regions. But they were not an enemy to our ancestors. The Zulu’s were our oldest enemies.

    When our ancestors arrived in South Africa from Europe we became African, with our own South African flag, government and culture. White South Africans are often wrongly accused by black South Africans of settling in Southern Africa AFTER their black ancestors arrived here. Yet there were no Zulu’s in the South where we settled first –the forebears of Bantu-speaking people, in c. AD 200 established themselves in the north, south of the Limpopo River, which is North of South Africa towards Mozambique.


    Erroneous Thinking in terms of Majority Rule

