Thursday, March 29, 2012

Apartheid - Part 11

This part is about the education, education levels and education standards that black people were subject to during Apartheid.

We all know it as "Bantu Education" and the reason for the "Soweto Uprising" where an estimated 20 000 black students protested against Afrikaans being a medium of instruction. The split was to be 50-50 (Afrikaans & English) and the rest of the subjects in the students native language. The subjects that were chosen for Afrikaans from Standard five (grade 7) were, mathematics, arithmetic and social studies. The Subjects chosen for English were, general science and practical subjects (homecraft, needlework, woodwork, metalwork, art, agricultural science) and their Native languages would be used for religion instruction, music, and physical culture.

So, Afrikaans had 3 Subjects, English about 7 Subjects and Native also 3 Subjects. Let me just add that the black students held banners with the slogan "DOWN WITH BAAS EDUCATION", baas meaning Boss in Afrikaans. So it is very clear that they had no problem with English being used, but had a problem with the Afrikaner / Boer language being used. In other words, they had no problem picking an Oppressive Language (The English being to most oppressive Empire in recent history) above an African Language (Afrikaans being "born" in Africa from German, French and Dutch languages). African = Afrika.

Then you also have to understand that Black African languages are very limited in terms of terminology. They had no formal written down language and it was simply transferred verbally, from generation to generation, thus they did not develop more words as time went on. This ensured a huge obstacle of the Apartheid Gov as they could not educate black students in Maths, Science, Woodwork, Social Studies, agricultural sciences etc if the black languages did not have the terminology to be used. How on earth will you educate someone in Maths, if that person's culture did not even invent such forms of education and his / her language does not have any Mathematical terminology?? So, the language issue was actually caused by their own Culture / Language's Limitations

That was one reason for the protest, another being that they were supposedly taught in "second and third rate" education levels meaning that according to them, they were taught according to a less important standard. Now bare in mind, these were people who had no formal education institutions and / or systems in place, ever. So, the previous Gov were left with two obstacles thus far, one being language and the other being the "history of their education standards". So yes, the previous Gov introduced a standard of education that was not the same as that of White Schools, and the main reason for that was, that even thought they were getting an education that was "sub / below standard", that they still struggled to move from one standard to another, often being 18 years old while being in standard 6 (grade 8). This again is due to their lack of development of both culture and language being limited. You cannot expect for a culture, that has never had any form of formal education system, to suddenly be on par with that of a culture that invented this education system. Again, it was their own limitation that caused this gap. Also, ever since 94, education standards had to be lowered to accommodate the black pupils as they were suddenly on the receiving end of the same standard that Whites were subject to, and failing. Some schools have even reported a zero pass rate for matriculants in past years. So, what did they fight for as it is clear that they could not cope with the high standards of White Education after 94 and didn't want the "sub" standard Bantu Education? Either way, the Standards were dropped so low after 94, I would imagine them to be either the same or lower than that of the Bantu Education System. Again, THEIR OWN DOING.

Look at the table above of 1983. Look at the number of Black students that enrolled in grade 1 (Sub A). There were more than 1 million students. Now look at how their numbers drop the further they went "up" in the education system. It can be clearly seen that they wanted education with the 1 million in grade 1, but that their limitation caused their numbers to drop to 72 000 in Standard 10. This again, not due to Apartheid, but due to "limitation" within their cultures, their languages, their development, their ability and their willingness to learn. The older they got, the less interested they were in educating themselves and the more they became interested in violence, crime, murder, theft and rape.

This is the "mentality" that we have to live and work with every day!

F V de Wet


By Mike Smith
11th of May 2010

If Communists value and care so much about education, why do they kill off the educated elite as the first thing they do in taking over a country?

From Stalin’s purges to Mao’s “Great leap forward”, From Cuba to Cambodia...the first thing the Communists do when they take over is to kill the academics and educated elite...IN THEIR MILLIONS. In Cambodia they killed about 2 million alone. People were killed for simply wearing glasses, because if you could read, you were already too clever.

That alone should convince anyone that communists have never and will never give a toss about education. In fact the worst enemy of the communist is the educated person. The entire system of communism is depended on a dumbed down, uneducated and unemployed proletariat (the sheep).

Today the 
Bantu-Education Act of 1953 is highly criticized, called “racist” and “discriminatory”.

I wonder how many of those critics have ever read it through, because I have and I still challenge anyone to point me to the discriminatory part.

Yet it is today held up as one of the main reasons for the resistance against Apartheid as well as the violence of the student’s uprisings of 1976.

Its critics are the usual gang of liberals, culture relativists, humanists and racial egalitarians, but their criticism holds no water.

If one scrutinises the Act as posted above, one will see that the act established a black education department, basically gives the minister of education along with the minister of finance the right to fund the black government schools in a way they deem appropriate, that the government holds the right to determine the medium of instruction and that the minister of education can consult and establish black school councils on how to run the schools and what to teach.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As I said in part Seven of this series, the duty of the government was not and is not and will never be to provide schools (or any other infrastructure) to anybody. The role of the government is to protect the citizens against the initiation of force. That is it! For the rest of the part, they should keep their nose out of the business of the people.

Government schools are actually a form of initiating force. It steals our money, it locks our children up with criminals, gangsters and drug dealers every day, it teaches them socialist doctrines, dumb them down incapable of rational or logical thought, and it falsifies our history. ..But people like schools, because they think schools do good. Nevertheless the NP government taxed whites almost to death to provide schools for blacks. During Apartheid schooling was made compulsory for all children up to 16 years of age...

But apart from the actual Bantu Education Act of 1953, that nobody ever reads, and just believe what they find in Wikipedia about Apartheid Education...How did it actually work?

As I have pointed out during this series, whites and blacks have huge cultural differences between them. Whites and blacks have huge religious and language differences between them.

Would it not be fair that blacks be instructed in a way that is more suited towards their cultural and religious needs? If one takes the road of the racial egalitarian and culture relativist, one would destroy the culture of the
blacks, destroy their language and religion.

Cultural Relativism destroys all cultures. Racial egalitarianism destroys all races, humanism destroys all religions.

Remember that the previous government was called the “National Party” not, “The National Socialist Party”. It did not believe in the destruction of other cultures and people, it believed in the peaceful co-existence between diverse groups, their preservation and separate, but equal development.

And that is all Bantu Education was. It acknowledged the cultural and religious differences of whites and blacks and seeked to educate both groups along those cultural lines.

Surely it would be wrong to force the stories of Snow White and Goldilocks down the throats of black children. How do they relate to Repunsel with here long hair when blacks have peppercorns or afros?

It would be far better if they learned their own songs, their own culture and their own stories of how the zebra got its stripes when God did not intend for black and white to even exist.

The same with white children. It would be far better to teach them about their own poems, songs and books. Blacks and whites have different heroes, different values, different everything.

Blacks needs to be educated in a different way than whites. Blacks have a natural, affinity to music, dance and colourful art. Should one have destroyed that and forced them subjects that they do not like, do not understand or should one have taken their natural talents and improve on it?

When someone says that the Bantu Education system was inferior to that of the whites, then that person either admits that black culture is inferior or that whites are superior. They will then have to explain what they mean by inferior. Inferior to what? Relative to what?...Maybe High Western civilised education? If they say that educating blacks along black cultural lines is inferior to educating whites along white cultural lines then I have to ask you...Who are the real racists here...liberals or Nationalists?

There were thousands of blacks during the time of the National Party who made it to university and for those provisions of tertiary education of world standard was provided. Ten black universities in SA and the homelands in total.

Today one just has to look around to see how many medical doctors, nurses, lawyers and judges there are in South Africa who got their education under this exact “Bantu Education” system of the National Party. It was not inferior at all. If one accuses any of these graduates of having a substandard degree or education, one would be insulting such a person.

One has to remember that blacks In South Africa had no schools, no written language no basic arithmetic, nothing... prior to the white man came to Africa and through their missionaries started educating blacks.

African societies placed strong emphasis on traditional forms of education well before the arrival of Europeans. Education involved oral histories of the group, tales of heroism and treachery, and practice in the skills necessary for survival in a changing bush environment.

The European styled English and Afrikaans/Dutch curriculum placed no value on such skills. It would have been morally wrong to force such a European system on the blacks of South Africa.

Today there are many who wants to quote and say that the NP wanted to purposefully keep blacks stupid
and who selectively quotes what suits them , but when one look deeper and see the truth behind the bullshit and the proof of the pudding then the picture is rather different.

In an article called “Die Afrikaner” 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called “Vox Africana Nr 29 4/87 stated that,

South Africa had 4,8 million whites and 18,2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes and the blacks only 15%...despite this...56% of the government budget was spent on blacks.

Today it is often quoted that, “Per-capita government spending on black education slipped to one-tenth of spending on whites in the 1970s”. 

What everyone fails to say is that...

Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any other government department.

In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096 000.

65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%, Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%.

Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22). Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.

In South Africa, the whites built 15 new classrooms for blacks every working day, every year. At 40 children per class it meant space for an additional 600 black students every day!!!

In 1985 there were 42,000 Blacks at 5 universities in South Africa, about the same amount at the universities of the homelands.

Another example of “Bantu Education is the unique medical university of MEDUNSA that I mentioned in Part 5 of this series. Here the whites trained black medical doctors, dentists, veterinary surgeons and paramedical personnel to world class full state costs. About 200 black medical doctors were
qualified here every year...thanks to the “oppressive” Bantu Education system.
Source: (Verrat an Südafrika, 1987, Klaus Vaque).

In my search to find the true reasons for the 1976 Soweto School riots, I found that most sources say that the riots was because of AFRIKAANS being forced to be taken as the medium of instruction. Why this vilification of Afrikaans?

The truth is that if one looks at the original decree one will see that both English and Afrikaans would be used on a 50-50 basis. Once again we see how Afrikaans has been vilified over the years. I can still understand to a degree why the blacks would object to Afrikaans or English, but what I cannot understand is why the coloureds of Cape Town, who only spoke Afrikaans or English, would also boycott and riot.

Here is the original decree...
Northern Transvaal Region
"Regional Circular Bantu Education"
Northern Transvaal (No. 4)
File 6.8.3. of 17.10.1974

To: Circuit Inspectors
Principals of Schools: With Std V classes and Secondary Schools
Medium of Instruction Std V - Form V

1. It has been decided that for the sake of uniformity English and Afrikaans will be used as media of instruction in our schools on a 50-50 basis as follows:

2. Std V, Form I and II
2.1. English medium: General Science, Practical Subjects (Homecraft-Needlework-Wood- and Metalwork-Art-Agricultural Science)
2.2 Afrikaans medium: Mathematics, Arithmatic, Social Studies
2.3 Mother Tongue: Religion Instruction, Music, Physical Culture
The prescribed medium for these subject must be used as from January 1975.
In 1976 the secondary schools will continue using the same medium for these subjects.

3. Forms III, IV and V
All schools which have not as yet done so should introduce the 50-50 basis as from the beginning of 1975. The same medium must be used for the subjects related to those mentioned in paragraph 2 and for their alternatives. ...

Your co-operation in this matter will be appreciated.
(Sgd.) J.G. Erasmus
Regional Director of Bantu Education
N. Transvaal Region ...

Further. One has to remember that the National Party government always insisted on “Mother Tongue Education” for ALL races during the primary school period. It was official government policy.

Further note how Afrikaans and English would only be used for Mathematics, Science and technically skilled subjects. The rest would still be mother tongue.

But why would they want to introduce Afrikaans and English in these black schools to instruct subjects like mathematics, science and metalwork?

Well, the problem is that blacks simply never had any words for objects they never knew; they borrowed Afrikaans and English words to describe technical things. The word for Scissors is “Iskêra” from Afrikaans (skêr). The word for knife is “Imêsi” from the Afrikaans word (mes), etc.

Can you imagine trying to explain the replication of a DNA molecule to a black student in Xhoza? Can you imagine explaining the parts of a lathe to black students studying metalwork or woodwork? If you are going to use 90% English words, you might just as well do the entire thing in English...or Afrikaans for that matter. A lathe is a dangerous piece of equipment...people can kill themselves.

The other reason I found that blacks objected to was the maximum age of school attendance. Whites would finish school at 18 or 19.

Blacks on the other hand would be 18 years old in grade 7 or 25 years old in matric (Grd 12). They also started later at the age of 8 or 10. Then they expected the whites to just keep on paying for this. Then they cannot understand why less money was spent on them than on whites every year. Not only were they 5 times more than whites, they flunked so much that they spent an average of an extra five years at school.

The irony of it all is that the Indian journalist Prega Govender wrote an article in the Sunday Times of 22 October 2006, telling how black students at school were taking English as their first language at school, dropping their own mother tongue as second language and replacing it with Afrikaans, which they found easier. These students either dropped their own mother tongue completely or relegated it to “Third Language status”
Prega Govender, Easy-Afrikaans-chosen-over-African-languages

Now I ask you, “What were all those riots in 1976 for?”

The whites of South Africa made a big mistake. They should never have introduced “Bantu Education” to the blacks. They should never have taught the blacks anything. It was not their responsibility to educate blacks. If blacks are so good, then they should educate their own people. They should build their own schools, universities, and colleges with their own money, their own initiatives and their own know-how. They should go for it...I wish them nothing, but luck.

For our efforts to educate the blacks out of stone age and into the modern era, we were vilified and stoned, even killed by. We were cursed at, spat at and blamed for everything else.

The alternative we see today is the socialist “Outcomes Based Education and Traning” system, where “nobody fails”, “Everyone passes”...”Pass one;Pass all” is the ridiculous slogans and demands nowadays. Little black boy in a group with whites and coloureds dragging their marks down and raising his own merely through his presence...but hey... they all pass, right? What is the problem?

The school system is a timebomb...Four Natal schools with 0% matric pass rate

“Liberation before education” was the slogan during the Eighties. Have the communists succeeded in their goal? Have they dumbed down the blacks and most whites? A few pockets of free thinkers remained who are today blowing the horns.
People are waking up from their liberal and socialist sleep. The ANC keeps singing their lullaby, but everywhere the horns are blowing and more and more people are waking up...The ANC knows their days are numbered. Bantu Education made them clever enough to realise that...

.../to be continued

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The "White Guilt" Complex - Part 1

Ever since I can remember, or more specifically ever since 1994, there has been this "little voice" telling me that being White is a curse, that being White meant that you were evil and you have no respect for other races, being White meant that only your race can be racist and in being White meant that you are guilty for all the atrocities in History. Since 94, I have been taught to feel bad about Apartheid, even though I was only a child then. I was taught to feel bad for Slavery, even though I wasn't there. I was being taught to feel bad for the millions of blacks that suffered at the hands of whites, even though I myself and millions of others did nothing to cause them pain, fear or resentment.

It was purely the association with the White skin and evil acts that caused this "brainwashing" to continue through the one-sided history being taught by Schools, Universities and Ruling Parties. You see, if you can manipulate History facts, you can control the people who wrote it, and with that, you control their lives. You tell them their history is racist, that it is false and that it was written by racists to continue the oppression and exploitation of Black people. You do this for 18 years and you will find that most people will agree with you. Remember one thing though "if you tell a lie over and over, it eventually becomes the truth", that is of course, until history repeats itself and the same people who committed atrocities in the past, also commit atrocities in the present. Somehow, the truth will always find a way to the surface from beneath the millions of lies.

We are constantly reminded of our (White) discrimination against Non-Whites, especially Africans (Black Natives), and we are constantly reminded that ALL their ill fortune and lack of development is due to White Oppression and/or White Supremacy. These reminders coming from the Leftist Main Stream Media as well as all the Liberal and Black movements. More recently, or about 18 years ago (not so recent as I though), the ANC Government has made it clear that the ALL the ill fortunes Black people face every day, is the caused by White people. Every single instance where the Government fails, the finger is pointed at the Whites and Apartheid. Every single failure was directly caused by something in the Apartheid era.

Thus, in having nothing to do with the past, nor anything with previous laws made, I was getting fed-up with all the negative "publicity" we whites were getting. I then decided to do some research and started reading a lot of history orientated material as well as past and present SA laws. What I found was astonishing and sometimes "unreal" due to the lack of truth being told about the past and the complete and utter denial of Historical facts.

I will also discuss the failure of the vast majority of people in the world to accept even scientific and Biological evidence provided in certain aspects of history. Again, to my surprise, I found that we have done very little to affect Blacks so badly that we needed to feel guilty, or forced to feel guilty. (it's about this time, all the Liberal Whiteys are now awake and are looking at me with red blood thirty eyes, thinking, "How can this little Whitey rewrite history?"

Fact is, I am not rewriting history, I am just telling it as it was originally written, and this time, science and biology come to the party.

First things first. lets start with Slavery.

Slavery has been with us for centuries, and history has shown that all men (black, white, yellow, purple and pink) have been slaves at one stage or another in History. Europeans had European slaves, Africans had African slaves, Asians had Asian slaves and so on. You can literally go on for hours discussing the different races that have been enslaved and why, but you will find that all races have been subject to slavery for a number of reasons. Some being to provide labour, some to provide sexual tasks, others to provide anything their masters demanded. So why does Black slavery still get so much attention these days and why are the Evil Whites blamed for it?? Well, for one,whites did have their share in slave trading as well as the ill treatment of these slaves, granted but we were not the first to enslave Africans and we were probably not the last race to have slaves. Slavery is still a profitable business today, from the Asians and their child labour force to the African continent and their child soldiers. but more on that another time. You will find that it was not the whites that were the original slave masters / traders of black people and that we whites are in fact the ones that put a stop to slavery in general. (now the Liberal Whiteys are going bonkers)

You see, the Arab Muslims were probably the first non-white race to enslave black people, and before that, it was the black leaders and kings who conquered smaller tribes and enslaved the blacks that were left after these tribal conflicts. We call this tribal warfare and this is/was a norm in Africa just as it was normal across the world. Black tribes would fight other black tribes over land, cattle, power etc and the smaller of the two would then be eliminated thus leaving the "leftovers" to either be executed or enslaved. Most men would be executed if they survive as they pose the greatest threat while the woman and children would be the slaves of their new black masters. Now, to get back to the Arabs. They were probably the first non-white race to enter Africa from the North (North Africa) from 650 to about the 1900, while Europeans only started their African conquest around the 15th century. This is why most of North Africa's native populations are Muslim and not Christian.

Well, these two races (Arabs and Blacks) soon saw the potential of slavery and that is how the whole African Slave trade started. Let me be clear, the AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE was started and not slavery itself as Slavery is knows as a universal institution. These fact about history and slavery are all over the internet but mostly excluded from the the media as Liberals hate the internet as they can hide nothing where are the media can be influenced to emphasize on certain aspects of society, like White Guilt, White Racism, White Supremacy and White atrocities in History! So, if Whites did not start Black slavery, why are we being made to feel guilty for it? Why not the Arabs and the black ancestors who started it?

As stated on wikipedia and other internet sources, it is estimated that around 10 to18 and as many as 25 Million Africans were enslaved by the Arabs, and only about 12 million by Europeans. Further more, the most notorious people that blame Whites for Slavery (African Americans), never mention that only 11 million of their ancestors were taken to the Americas, but that 32 million of their ancestors were taken to the Arab World, where they were often used as SEX SLAVES, PROSTITUTES etc. So, the Arabs and Africans that stated African Slavery about 650, enslaved 32 million Africans while their White counterparts only enslaved 23 million Africans. That is 9 million African Slaves more than Whites while only Whites are "named and shamed" and singled out in the History of Slavery, especially by the MSM and Liberals. I agree that 23 million people are a lot, but does the other 32 million not count anymore? I quote below,

"Additionally, approximately 11 million African slaves were taken to the Americas however approximately 28 million African slaves were taken during the Arab slave trade. Likewise, more than 2 million Africans died on the ship before reaching the destinations in the Arab world, therefore the slave traders would obtain the same amount of Africans in order to make up for the loss"

(Note, the 32 million African Slaves that I mentioned come from the, 28 million slaves taken, the 2 million that died and the additional 2 million to replace that needed to replace the dead)

Let me get to the point by asking. How many African countries receive aid in the form of food, education, welfare, development etc from Arab / Muslim Countries? (Look it up). I can't find any sort of donation or reparation cost from one single Arab / Muslim County (well non that I could find on the internet) yet billions are sent to Africa from "White" Countries like the USA, UK, AUS etc every year. Not a single donation or reparation demand (or none that I can find on the internet or that regularly appears in the MSM), from any African person or African country, nor any Arab person or Arab country, nor any Muslim or any Muslim country. And we know how much money there is in oil, gold, diamonds and other natural resources which are found where, Arab and African countries!. So, why not demand reparations / compensation from the ones who started it and caused the supposed downward spiral of the African People? My opinion is that it's easier to get money from people who think and are made to think they are guilty than receive money from people who do not think they did anything wrong. It's like the Jews receiving Billions each year for the Holocaust but not one sent is paid by Jews towards Africa for their part in Slavery, not one sent paid to the Germans for the supposed 1.7 million POW's that were killed in concentration camps after WWII caused by the America General, Eisenhower, and not one cent being paid by Africans or Arabs for their involvement in Slavery.

Let me add that, according to Prof Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) in Cape Town, South Africa, the Arabs still practice slavery of African people. In a letter dated 2002 ( he states the following and then repeats it again:

"Should Africans in perpetuity be silent about Arab slavery in the past and present, (I repeat, "and present"), for fear that raising the issue would be treated as anti-Arab?"

You see, this is the level of racism and guilt that Whites have to deal with on a daily basis and for every "injustice" ever endured by Blacks, whites are always pointed out as the only perpetrator! As you can see from above, it is clearly recorded that not only whites had a hand in Slavery but that most slaves were sold by Arabs and fellow Black countrymen.

So why are Whites being made to feel guilty for something they did not start? It is also recorded somewhere (don't ask me for a link as their are thousands of these articles on the web) that all the money made through slavery by Whites were eventually spent to put an end to it!! Again, go look it up, information is power and the internet has got it all!

to continue................

Apartheid - Part 9

By Mike Smith
7th of May 2010

It is today not un-common to find White people who lived through Apartheid in South Africa who have never set foot in a black or coloured township. Most whites never lost anything in a township and never saw the need to go to there. Besides it was dangerous, and the further they could stay away from blacks the better.

People commute from Somerset-West, Strand or Gordon’s Bay along the N2 highway to Cape Town for years every day, but they never ever turns off into the townships south of Cape Town International Airport (D.F. Malan Airport) to have a look. All they see are the slums of Cross-Roads, Langa and Nyanga and it scares them away...

Most whites do not even know the coloured township of Mitchel’s Plain. They do not know the bad areas such as Tafelsig, Lentegeur or the posh areas such as Woodlands or Strandfontein.

If they could see the millionaires houses of Athlone, they would fall on their backs.

The image that most whites of South Africa have about a township is what they have seen on television, in papers or magazines.

I myself was about 19 years old and a conscript when I first set foot in Gugulethu, Cape Town. I can remember how surprised I was at how good the houses looked in certain parts...all the sports facilities and other amenities were not what I have seen on TV. We were only shown the worst parts...the Squatter Camps.

Actually the word “Township” is today confused with the word “Squatter Camp”, but we are not allowed to use the un-PC term of “Squatter Camp” anymore, it is now called, “Informal Settlements”...

Nevertheless, a black township in South Africa has different sections just like any other town around the world. It has rich areas where educated blacks and black businessmen live in millionaires villas, it has the middle class areas and it has...well the squatter camps.

The problem is that the media always only show us the poor, squatter camp areas. Whites of South Africa and the world are kept ignorant by the media. We are not allowed to see that there are literally millions of extremely well-off blacks in South Africa who live in fairly good areas, on par with whites or well-off coloureds.

The lies about the townships are numerous, but the most common one is that blacks were forced to live there under extreme poverty conditions and were denied the same amenities as whites had.

Well, in the previous section of this series I pointed out that all the black tribes were given their own countries to live in where they traditionally settled. Nobody forced them to come to white cities. But blacks streamed in their thousand towards the white cities and set up squatter camps around the outskirts of these white areas, because they knew that whites were giving them work, but also, because they knew whites were very charitable and always gave them free clothes, food, etc.

This is quite ironic, because on the one hand the whites are painted as evil racists and blacks selectively believe this when they want to, but when blacks are truly honest with themselves, they will realise that whites always gave them lots of stuff...for free. It has always been like that in South Africa and will probably be like that for a long time to come, because South African whites are compassionate, charitable and good people.

Nevertheless when these squatter camps became too large and/or a health risk due to the unhygienic practices of blacks, whites would build them proper houses with proper sewage systems, health clinics, schools, churches, roads with electric illumination, sports facilities and many more. This is how the townships came about. Basically built by white taxpayer money...

Now I know there will be some people not convinced that these townships were actually quite well kitted out. So let us take an example...let us take the most well known township of South Africa, called Soweto, but the same can be said of just about any black township in South Africa.

At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 Football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses.

In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market.

There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the time.

Today Soweto has modern shopping malls like, Dobsonville Shopping Centre. In 2005 the Protea Gardens Mall opened. This was followed by the Baramall Shopping Centre and the Jabulani Shopping complex and the Maponya Mall. Experts say that Soweto has as much as 25% oversupply of retail space.

The Canadian Medical Doctor, Dr Kenneth Walker wrote about Soweto, (I freely translate from “Verrat an Südafrika”, Klaus Vaque, 1987,pg 41)

“In Soweto I saw many homes that costs about $100,000 (1978) and that had a BMW in the driveway. All houses are single storey. Many are recently painted. Many had flowerpots in the windows and lawn in the front. Only 2% were shacks. If I had the choice to live in Soweto or in the apartment dwellings or “Projects” of New York, Chicago, or Detroit where there is so much crime, then I would not hesitate for one moment and choose Soweto.”

The biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath with 3200 beds and at its peak almost 8000 staff had 23 operation theatres fitted out with the most modern medical equipment that existed in the world. Blacks were treated here, operated full state costs to the white-taxpayers for unlimited periods. The budget of this hospital was and is higher than the yearly budget of most small member states of the United Nations.

Next door to Baragwanath is the St. John’s Eye Clinic. The clinic is world famous for the treatment of Glaucoma, Cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases. All built and maintained by white taxpayer’s money.

Baragwanath in 1978 employed 450 medical doctors in full-time service. It treated 112 000 in-patients and 1.62 million out-patients per year. The children and infant death rate with 34.8 per 1000 was lower than Harlem in New York.

In 1982 alone, this hospital performed 898 heart operations of world quality.
Ironically...90% of the blood donors for this hospital were whites, who donated blood free of charge, totally save black lives. (Quoted from The Citizen, 2 April 1987).

In my time at school and as a student, the Red Cross or St Johns Ambulance would come to our white schools, universities, colleges and even our workplaces to solicit for blood donations. All we got was a cup of tea and some biscuits. Regular blood donors would get a lapel pin and would wear it proudly at work or university.

Today the blacks want the whites to apologise for “the evils” of Apartheid. They want compensation. They have been compensated R30,000 each after the TRC , but it is not enough... they want more, they want blood...but we have already given them our blood. We already saved millions of black lives with our blood donations during Apartheid. How do you put a price on our blood that we donated? How do you put a price on black lives saved by white blood?

As you can see dear reader, the blacks of South Africa are eternally indebted to us whites...not the other way around. We owe them nothing, they owe us... big ti

Apartheid - Part 10

By Mike Smith
8th of May 2010

When one today thinks about Apartheid forced removals, immediately Sophia Town in Johannesburg (blacks) and District Six in Cape Town (coloureds) springs to mind. We will take District Six as a case study.

Today one is up against a mind set of people who wants to believe that District Six was a Multicultural paradise where, mostly coloureds, some Indians, some whites and also a few blacks all lived in harmony and perpetual bliss.

They believe that the evil white government destroyed a happy go lucky community and forced them onto the Cape Flats, mainly where Mitchels Plain is today.

To tell the truth about District Six today will be a revolutionary act.

Firstly a bit of history...

Where is or was District Six?...Well if you stand with your two legs in the water of Table Bay and you look towards Table Mountain, District Six would be on your left side at the slope of Table Mountain, just above “The Castle”. Today the Cape University of Technology (Zonnebloem campus) stands on part of the area.

The origins of District Six is like this.

Many moons ago during the Dutch and later British rule, it uses to be a farm called Zonnebloem. After the abolishment of slavery throughout the British Empire (1833) coloured people started squatting on the outskirts of Cape Town against the foot of Table Mountain, because they still wanted to work for the whites, but when they were slaves they were housed by whites, but as free people they now had to find their own houses.

Two areas of freed slaves developed in Cape Town in what is called, “The Bo-Kaap” and “District Six”.

The Bo-Kaap was mainly a higher classed Muslim area and District Six, although also having a lot of Muslims, was made up from other coloureds of lower social standing.
Now it has to be remembered that the Cape Colony only introduced official building regulations in 1861. By that time, 28 years of indiscriminate building by coloureds, resulted in a slum area developing in Cape Town’s District Six that was getting worse with every day passing. There was no proper sewage or running water infrastructure in those days. In no time, District Six became an overcrowded slum, with narrow alleyways between jumbled together structures.

Here one has to consider that building rules are largely there for safety and health reasons. Windows need to be of a certain size to allow fresh air and natural light in. Rooms need to be a certain height...Every human being needs a certain amount of breathing space to prevent diseases such as Typhoid, Tuberculosis, etc from breaking out (as is the case in overcrowded concentration camps). Streets need to be a certain width so that ambulances and fire trucks can reach emergency situations.

The coloured people from District Six knew nothing of such “trivialities”. They just kept on adding more structures made from wood and corrugated iron sheets.

This phenomenon can still be observed when one visit coloured areas today. No sooner have they received a house from the government for free, or they start building a “hok” (shack) in the backyard. Some have even multiple shacks or what is called “Wendy Houses”, low quality wooden dwellings. These shacks and Wendy Houses are rented out and provide the owner with an income. Some even set up shebeens (illegal, informal drinking bars) in their backyard.

In the case of District Six it was exactly like that. Some of these people had several such shack dwellings that they would rent out and became what is referred to as the “Slumlords” of District Six. Most houses were small, some consisting of only one room housing as many as 20 people. The toilet was in the back yard and washing comprised turns in the bath tub in the kitchen or washing oneself in a “kom”, a plastic bowl filled with some hot water. Once a week was enough.

Further, In District Six started what is today referred to as the “Skolly gangs”...coloured hooligans, who preferred a life of crime, drinking and drugs over honest hard work.

By the 1930’s District Six was a rat infested hellhole full of shebeens, “smokkelhuise” (smuggling houses) and brothels, where, alcohol and drugs flowed freely and sparked more and more social ills.

The government realised that something had to be done about District Six before an epidemic of bubonic plague or cholera could break out that would have killed thousands.

The government knew the history of the three smallpox epidemics of 1713, 1755 and 1767. The smallpox epidemic of 1713 killed about 90% of the KhoiKhoi (Hottentots) and about 25% of the whites of Cape Town.

The University of Cape Town has all the archives in their library. It is called 

Denis Verschoyle, an Irish immigrant, was a City Engineer and Town Planner in Cape Town. From 1961 to 1972, he lectured on the history of town planning in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Cape Town. He died in 1997.

The information is today freely available to anyone who wants to know the truth about Cape Town planning and in particular, District Six.

Basically Mr. W.S.Lunn who was city engineer in the 1930’s had a plan. He wanted to transform District Six. He wanted to build proper houses with proper infrastructure and so, started building houses... by the beginning of the Second World War, a total of 1127 homes had been built. But the coloureds did not want to move into the new houses. They claimed the rent was too high, but the rent was actually subsidised by the government (i.e.) White taxpayer money and very affordable.

This a coloured culture for you. They always seem to have money for drugs and alcohol, but never for rent or utilities. Why pay rent and electricity when you can live for free in a shack and burn candles and have more money for alcohol?

Eventually some did move into these houses, but as usual the backyards started being filled with illegally erected structures.

Today the coloureds that lived in District Six have very fond memories of a period when alcohol flowed freely, Dagga was smoked and every second person could play a musical instrument. Their memories of District Six are every night...I do not dispute that they were very happy there.

Like I said, in reality the place was a nest of social ills, it was dirty and it was a health risk...a ticking time bomb in actual fact.

But how does one convince a pig that wallowing around in shit all day is bad for him, when he is so happy at doing it? When one takes the pig away from his shit puddle, washes him off and let him live in a clean orderly place, he will be most distraught and upset with you. He will forever have fond memories of his shit puddle, where he was happy. No amount of explaining will ever convince him of anything else.

So how did these memories of such a harmless and convivial District Six take root in the minds of coloureds over the years?

Basically the newspaper called “The Cape Times”, in an attempt to save District Six, ran some articles in the 1950’s focussing on the music and culture of the people, painting everything rosy and saying nothing about the social ills, the gangs, the brothels, the alcohol and drug abuse...or the rats.

In 1966 the National Party declared District Six to be a 'White Group Area' so enabling them to destroy all buildings, except religious ones, on the grounds of 'slum clearance'.

The government moved about 60,000 people from District Six to the Cape Flats at a cost of 30 million Rand including compensation. In 1970, the government renamed the area Zonnebloem after the original Dutch farm.

They offered the land to investors to rebuild it, but no investors showed interest to rebuild the area, so the Government built the Cape Technikon Zonnebloem campus there.

In District Six, there is a museum today that documents this period in an extremely biased and subjective way.

It says that about 60,000 coloureds were forcibly removed from District Six to the Cape Flats because of the colour of their skin.

It fails to mention that the coloureds of the Bo-Kaap are still living there and so are the ones from Observatory. If the government wanted to remove the coloureds from District Six, because of the colour of their skin or to take their “prime” land, why did they not also move the Bo-Kaap coloureds? The Bo-Kaap is situated in the centre of Cape Town on prime property and worth billions. Why did the government not build millionaires villas in District Six, but instead chose to build a learning institution?

The simple truth is that District Six was everything from an eyesore, to a filthy slum, to a gang and rat infested hellhole.

The government in those days employed highly qualified health inspectors. One of them who were involved with the destruction of District Six told me how they went in there, saw rats the size of cats and millions of cockroaches half a foot they had to board up these building structures first, fumigate them before they could destroy them, because they feared the plague would spread to the rest of Cape Town.

Today the ex residents of “District Six” are a dime a dozen. Although only 60,000 were moved today the “survivors” are probably double that if not more.

The “victim mentality” has fully taken hold of these “ex residents of District Six”, but what they forget is about 40,000 whites were also forcibly removed from their land to make place for the Black Homelands.

These whites have never been properly compensated for losing their farms that they had to sell way below market value to the government at the time, but they simply got on with life and made a living somewhere else.

District Six was a case study in this issue, but the same can be said for places like Sophia Town where Blacks were also removed. Large concentrations of people from whatever race, who overcrowd and indiscriminately build with no planning, will always, pose a health risk not only to themselves, but also to their neighbouring communities.

Today they complain about forcibly being removed, but what was the alternative... Death by epidemic proportions? They should be thankful that they are still alive today to yarn swap about their times in District Six, because if they carried on the way they did, disease would have wiped them out for sure.

The irony is that they cannot see the truth. They see the NP government as a bunch of racists who wanted to exterminate them, but if that was the goal of the NP, they could simply have done nothing and waited for the bomb of disease to explode.

No, the NP did everything in their power to avoid it. They actually saved thousands of coloured lives and entire future generations, along with their music and culture in District Six with their removal to the Cape Flats.

Today it is easy to reminisce about the banjo playing, alcohol and dagga clouded times of District Six, but when you are a professional government with a job to protect all your citizens...the picture is rather different.

.../ to be continued